First and second floors at Chardin House,
5 Chardin Road, Chiswick, London W4 1RJ
phoneCall to book an appointment: 0203 841 4800



Mole check for children (up to 16 years old) The method and process of screening is similar to the screening of adults, but we reduce the price for children younger than 16.


The mole check consists of two parts:


I. On site examination approx. 30 minutes

  • thorough data recording (genetic and lifestyle related risk factors).
  • thorough examination of every mole and lesion by our screening doctor.
  • preparation of a complete mole map with every mole recorded on it (images taken with special cameras digital dermatoscopy).
  • on site informative discussion about the results.
  • on site report where there is an unequivocal diagnosis of melanoma.

II. Evaluation at our assessment centre

  • a doctor who specialises in evaluating dermatoscopic images (second specialist) checks all the images mole by mole and prepares a five page, detailed, personalised risk evaluation report.
  • where there are recommendations for surgical interventions (preventive surgery, skin cancer, melanoma), these are checked and approved by our leading clinician (second specialist).
  • the findings are sent to you in no more than 10 working days.
  • where surgery is recommended it can be scheduled through your GP or on your request we can recommend safe and professional clinics with the expertise to perform the procedure.



Doctor Screening£150


Call to book an appointment: 0203 841 4800phone



I. On site examination approx. 30 minutes

  • thorough data recording (genetic and lifestyle related risk factors).
  • thorough examination of every mole and lesion by our screening nurse or doctor.
  • preparation of a complete mole map with every mole recorded on it (images taken with special cameras – digital dermatoscopy).
  • on site informative discussion about the results.
  • on site report where there is an unequivocal diagnosis of melanoma.

II. Evaluation at our assessment centre

  • a doctor who specialises in evaluating dermatoscopic images (dermatologist specialist) checks all the images mole by mole and prepares a five page, detailed, personalised risk evaluation report.
  • the main difference is in the comparative analysis phase: all moles will be compared to the previous stages
  • where there are recommendations for surgical interventions (preventive surgery, skin cancer, melanoma), these are checked and approved by our leading clinician (second specialist).
  • the findings are sent to you in no more than 10 working days.
  • where surgery is recommended it can be scheduled through your GP or on your request we can recommend safe and professional clinics with the expertise to perform the procedure.



Doctor Screening£150

Posting a CD with the images taken (admin charge): £15


Call to book an appointment: 0203 841 4800phone